Cabin Refresh

It started with this dark and dated kitchen

It’s almost been a year since purchasing our cabin, and it has certainly been a blessing having this space while we go through the pandemic. Spending A LOT of time there has put my “need to style” obsession into overdrive …

I hate to admit it, I do get obsessed with refreshing my own spaces. Ok, I feel much better admitting this, but don’t tell my husband because I tell him I don’t have a problem even though he knows I do. So, here’s my next admission … I get design decision dilemmas. Even though this is what I do professionally, I often struggle with making decisions for my own spaces, maybe like some of you out there. Are you like me, spending countless hours perusing sites and blogs obsessively, after initially deciding you are just going to make small changes, like new paint; only to cave and open that Pandora’s box of “refresh” or “remodel”, because there are so many great ideas you’ve now gathered? And now that you’ve pinned and clipped ideas in an abundance, you find yourself a tad bit overwhelmed? It’s ok though, even the gal who helps others make their homes beautiful, finds herself helpless at times making design decisions. There should be a support group for design decision dilemma overload. It would be interesting to see how many of us who think or are called experts are in there along with those who openly talk about being design challenged … my guess a bunch!

The good news is we don’t really need an official support group. Once we admit we are stuck in the frenzy of decorating decisions, with paint chips and multiple folders filled with too many pins, there is always someone we can find to help us work through the process of deciding to refresh or remodel our space. Maybe it’s someone like me who is great making choices for others, maybe it’s a close friend who always has an opinion, or maybe it’s even posting a design decision dilemma, and getting feedback from our virtual friends to help us take that first step to start the project. However you get there, the results will outweigh the initial scramble and you will have made a space beautiful no matter which direction you go.

I’m happy to share that we did finish our cabin “refresh” instead of a “ remodel” after bouncing ideas off of different friends; ultimately, going back to the original idea of just painting and adding a few more small design changes that created a cozy space we all love.

So remember, even “designer”s have road blocks and with the help of others, we can all have beautiful spaces.

… I bet you thought this was going to be all about the steps we took to actually refresh the cabin. I did too! I had started with that idea, but as I began writing I took a turn. I hope you don’t mind that I shared the real life struggles of design decisions I have sometimes instead of the actual cabin makeover … next post I promise will be “style” heavy!